handbook was produced by the Income Tax team at PwC Namibia, and is Goods and Services A number of other zero-ratings and exemptions are also. SACU is a customs union whose members are Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Apart from zero-rating exports, a limited but similar range of goods and services Exempt and Zero Rated Items and Persons. C. Final VAT collections: Namibia. 4.8. 14.9. Retail Sales Tax. South Africa. 5.8. 22.2. VAT. Swaziland. 3.7. 12.8. Unit cost per meeting period = N$0.50 VAT Zero-rated. Direct Dialed Customs and duties are payable on importation of goods in Namibia , except if goods are. Keywords Namibia, Value added tax, Government revenue with the zero-rated goods and services being mahangu (pearl millet flour), mahangu meal, maize Some other transactions are deemed supplies of goods or supplies of services for consideration and, as such, are subject to VAT (e.g. gifts of small value and
Considering that the panel had to work through over 2,000 submissions and was under a tight deadline, I believe the list of six additional zero-rated items provides a useful starting point for the
Examples of VAT at a Zero rated items and services include: • Petrol leaded or unleaded; • Mahango, mahango meal, maize meal and bread, but not as a prepared meal; • Water and electricity to a residential account; • Selling of residential property; • Fresh milk • Sunflower oil The listed items and services have VAT at zero %, thus The items covered, or rather, the items not covered by this zero rating are currently the topic of much debate with calls for extending the list of items. The reasoning behind this zero rating is to provide basic foodstuffs at a reduced price to benefit the poor. The list of zero rated items includes the following items: brown bread. dried mealies Zero-rated supplies The following goods and services will be zero-rated: Basic food items The Minister proposed to zero-rate the sale of dry white or wet or dry brown granular sugar and fresh milk. This amendment will expand the list of zero-rated food items. Government has proposed that white bread flour, cake flour and sanitary pads should be included in the basket of zero-rated VAT items from April 1, 2019. Countries such as Namibia, Lesotho, Malawi, and Zambia have a minimum list of zero rated and exempt products. Such countries charge VAT on products such as rice, fresh milk, fruits, eggs and meat products among others.
11 Mar 2010 WINDHOEK – Rice is partly the reason why Windhoek residents are forking price decreased as a result of zero VAT rating basic food items.
Some other transactions are deemed supplies of goods or supplies of services for consideration and, as such, are subject to VAT (e.g. gifts of small value and
2017 KPMG Advisory Services (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, a Namibian company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms Tax Rates (for all years of assessment from 1 March 2013) Zero-rated Supplies (continued).
27 Mar 2019 Remove VAT zero-rating on sugar. New Environmental levy items will be introduced under the Customs and Excise Act on the importation of
Goods and services exempted from VAT are: Non-fee related financial services Educational services provided by an approved educational institution Residential rental accommodation, and Public road and rail transport. Basic foodstuffs zero-rated in South Africa Brown bread. Maize meal. Samp. Mealie rice. Dried mealies. Dried beans. Lentils.
Zero-rated supplies The following goods and services will be zero-rated: Basic food items The Minister proposed to zero-rate the sale of dry white or wet or dry brown granular sugar and fresh milk. This amendment will expand the list of zero-rated food items. Government has proposed that white bread flour, cake flour and sanitary pads should be included in the basket of zero-rated VAT items from April 1, 2019.